The Italian Alphabet

Before learning words in Italian, the first thing you must do is to learn how to pronounce the Italian alphabet. This will allow you to confidently read in Italian and eventually help you in your conversations.

a- ah
b- bee
c- chee
d- dee
e- eh
f- ehf feh
g- jee
h- ahk kah
i- ee
l- ehl leh
m- ehm meh
n- ehn neh
o- oh
p- pee
q- kooh
r- ehr reh
s- ehs seh
t- tee
u- ooh
v- veeh
z- dzeh tah

As you may have noticed the letters j, k, w, x, and y are omitted from this list. That is because they do not exist in the Italian language, though some foreign words have slipped in.
