Saying Hello

Though there are many important words to learn in different languages, the most important words are those used for greeting. In this post, we will learn about the different ways of saying hello and goodbye in Italian. 


  • Ciao- used informally for friends or relatives to say either hello or goodbye.
  • Salve- slightly more formal, usually used for strangers to mean either hello or goodbye
  • Buongiorno- neither formal nor informal, used to say good morning
  • Buon Pomeriggio- used to say good afternoon
  • Buonasera- used to say good evening
  • Arrivederci- used informally for slightly long term goodbyes
  • Arrivederla- formal form of arrivederci
  • A Domani- see you tomorrow
  • A Dopo- see you later
  • A Presto- see you soon
  • Buona Notte- used to say good night (only use this when you and everyone else is going to bed)
  • Addio- a very dramatic long term goodbye (usually used only in the movies)
  • Buona Giornata- a formal parting meaning have a good day
